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Trilingual Welcome Signs at Dawson City Community Hospital

Trilingual Welcome Signs at Dawson City Community Hospital

Dawson City Community Hospital continues to take steps towards ensuring First Nations’ culture and ways of life are reflected in our spaces. In partnership with the Tr’ondëk Hwëch'in Government, we are introducing new welcome signs that honor and reflect the diverse cultural heritage of our region. 

These signs will be displayed in three languages: Hän, the local Indigenous language, French, and English. This trilingual approach ensures that all visitors and patients feel welcomed and understood, regardless of their linguistic background. It is a small but significant step towards enhancing communication and fostering a sense of belonging for everyone who walks through our doors.

Hän: Dawson City Community Hospital nihè dähch’e shò tr’inlay. Shò tr’inlay nts’ä’ tr’ëdädèy. Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in nänkäk tr’ëdädèy eycha wëk’ätr’ëncòhcha.

French: Tout le monde est bienvenu à l’Hôpital communautaire de Dawson. Nous sommes reconnaissants de pouvoir offrir de l’aide et des soins propices à la guérison sur le territoire traditionnel de la Première Nation des Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in.

English: Dawson City Community Hospital welcomes all people to our facility. We are grateful to provide help, healing, and care within the Traditional Territory of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in.


The signs are more than just a welcome message; they represent a deep respect for the Tr’ondëk Hwëch'in, whose Traditional Territory we are privileged to operate within.