As a patient, you have the right to:
- Be treated with respect, consideration, dignity and compassion
- Know the name and role of those involved in your care
- Receive clear and complete information about your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in terms you can understand
- A care plan in the hospital and upon discharge that takes into consideration your preferences, beliefs, customs, traditions, your family and/or caregiver
- Participate in all decisions about your treatment plan while in the hospital
- Have your pain and comfort managed to the safest extent possible
- Appoint a family member or friend to act as your spokesperson while you are in the hospital.
- Know the name of any medication prescribed to you, its normal actions and potential side effects given your condition
- Accept or refuse any treatment or medication and to be informed of the likely consequences of doing so
- Be cared for in an environment that promotes confidentiality of your personal information
- Be provided with supportive care to ensure death with dignity
- Language translation services when necessary
- Raise any concerns or complaints regarding care or safety
As a patient, you have the responsibility to:
- Provide accurate information to the staff caring for you including information about past illnesses, current health conditions, any allergic or negative reactions to any medicine, product or food and any health services you have received
- Bring in all medications and provide an accurate list of all current medications, vitamins and supplements
- Participate in all decisions about your treatment plan while in the hospital and upon discharge
- Be respectful, cooperative and considerate with all staff and volunteers
- Follow the instructions and advice from the staff caring for you about the services and behaviour that relate to your health and advise them when you choose not to
- Seek information or clarification if you have questions
- Provide a copy of your Advance Directive, Living Will and/or other relevant documents to the staff caring for you
- Treat other patients with respect and consideration
- Conduct yourself in a manner consistent with maintaining the safety of yourself, other patients, staff and visitors
- Be patient if you encounter delays and understand that sometimes other patients’ needs may be more urgent than yours
- Raise any concerns or complaints regarding care or safety